Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leaving soon.

Ben wants to go home now. He wants to sleep on his carpet in his bedroom. And he says, "This country stinks." That was just as we were driving through Camarillo...horse manure or the like, we think.
We certainly did experience a whirlwind trip, but are so thankful to have had the opportunity to see our family and friends. We were especially blessed to see many of you on Sunday and want to say how much we appreciate you dropping by the Malawi booth.

The missionary conference is always a highlight for us. We feel encouraged and refreshed. We are SO thankful for GMI. Their love and passion for the truth of God's Word excites us and we are ready to go back and serve the church in Malawi. Our kids loved all the fun activities and meeting other missionary kids in person. These conferences are weeks that they will remember for years to come.
We fly out tomorrow and so if you remember please pray for a safe trip and that we'd be able to pick up Allison in Joburg- we only have an hour and twenty minutes from the time we land, until we take off again for Lilongwe.

Grace Community Church in Sun Valley.

Ami and Hannah.

Ben and Micah.

Brad and Caleb.
This missionary family has four kids too - all our kids are very close in age - in fact Allison and their youngest, Sarah, were born on the same day about twenty minutes apart.

Biedebachs with Joel and Ruty James.

Mr. and Mrs. van Dyke
Phenomenal photographer. Check out the conference video he put together. The conference topic was "Godly Marriage."
Jedi and Ann Johnson had the tough job of handling and entertaining not only two Biedebach boys but many other kiddos too-for an entire week. THANK YOU!

The 6-8 year olds.
Their whole week was a 'SPY' theme.


Fiona Macneil said...

I love your matching outfits, are they "Malawi fashion"?

By the Brook said...

It's called National Wear and the kids wore matching outfits too!

Linda Russell said...

have a safe flight, we'll be praying for you. Thanks for updating so frequently while you have been away - it has been lovely to see what fun you guys have had.