Thursday, March 25, 2010

Home for one week

Today we've been here in Lilongwe for one week. The flights went fine and we were so happy to be back in our own beds! Thank you for praying. The children were up in the wee hours of the morning the first two nights, but have since adapted to Africa time. Brian is back into the swing of things too. He preached on Sunday and teaches his students at the college tomorrow. Yesterday evening while chatting to a couple from our church, a snake slithered out from under his chair and frightened the lady sitting opposite him-(they happened to be discussing fear and her face said it all). It was a small mole snake, not as dangerous as the black mamba our gardener killed in February.
I am okay, but had two not so good days this week. I had headaches and the body drain, but am much better today and think it will continue to take time to get better completely.

We love being back- seeing folk in our church and friends on the campus has been great. Hearing the birds and seeing open African skies reminds us of God's amazing creation. Climbing trees and digging in mud is high up on the kids' lists.

And when the power went out, Ben said, "Why did you switch all the lights off, Mom?" Praise God for the back-up generator.


Conrad and Jen said...

Glad to hear that you made it back safely! It must feel so great to be back in your own home. We'll pray that you continue to feel better every day.

Mrs. Sweet Line said...

Indeed, there is no place like HOME! Glad you are all well...

Lishe said...

good to hear the flight went well and you're all adjusted again to home in Lilongwe! We'll continue to pray for you all, especially for you anita!

Caroline Gill said...

Great news that all is going well - hope and pray that you get stronger with each passing day!!