Thursday, September 11, 2008

School at home for a year.

We have officially completed our first week of our first year of homeschooling!
There aren't great libraries around and resources are limited. Email connection is slow and not always good. Because of these reasons we have decided to purchase a curriculum which is complete with guides and books. It has been great so far.

A friend of mine, who is also not sending her child to school yet, and I decided to start a morning fun activity together once a week. Others began to show an interest and we now have 5 mothers who have joined our group. We started out with our four kids and now we have 10!
At least each mom only has to prepare an activity once every 5 weeks.

1 comment:

azuremle said...


Hope that the homeschooling is fun and helps you be more organized with your time. What curriculum are you using? Please post book recommendations/reviews and about the fun activities you do with your group!

Emily Luehrmann